2007 Reunion - Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville Reunion Host LT Dick Oliver
Vietnam Veterans

Front Row: Dick Oliver, Al Eisenbraun, James Sharits, Harry Fell, and Paul Jacobs.
Back Row: John Kraft, Mike Peters, Bill Spencer, Don Livingston, Mike Moran, John Grimmke, and George Young.
Missing from the picture, was Mike Axell, Gary Riddle, Ken Cole, Larry Weatherford, Peter Lush, Rob Cavanagh, Brad Howe, Tony Felice, Robert Knowles, and Ed Blanchard

In Front) Peter Lush STG3 1965-67 and Robert Cavanaugh STG2 1966-67
(In Back) Bob Knowles SFN2 1963-64 talking with with Ernest Moore ET1 1950-51

Jack Nordstrom LTJG 1951-52, with guest Lee Riley

Mike Moran FTG3 1963-65

Bill Spencer RM3 1965-66

Guest Speaker Paul Jacobs LT 1960-62 Later made Capt.

Ed Hayden SMSN 1946-47

John Grimmke FTG3 1965-67 and wife Pamela

Ken Satterlee ET2 1956-59 with wife Bev

June & Otto Safranek, DK3 and Richard Kirsch SK3 from supply office of the late 50's. Richard retired as an SKC.

John Fried SN 1959-61 wife Susan

James Sharits EM2 1965-68, Al Eisenbraun SH3 1963-67, Harry Fell EM3 1965-67, sharing a San Miguel beer

Russ Gray DK3 1952-53

Dick Oliver ENS 1968-69, Don Lorimer FCS3 1950-51, J.T. Hill SK3 1950-54

Cy Elliser CSG3 1950-51 with guest Phyllis Sherl

Art Starring MM3 1950-54, Don Smith EM2 1954-57, Bill Linton CS2 1954-55. Peter Bailey, son of first C.O. Admiral Leonard Bailey.

Ed Blanchard LTJG 1964-67

Virginia and Don Lorimer FCS3, 1950-51

Mike Axell GMGSN 1964-66

Bertha and Hershell Cotton SK3 1954-56 retired CDR.

Bill Kanipe FP3 1953-57

Mike Peters GMG2 1960-66 Later GMCM

Charlene & Otto Brock FT2 1956-57

Cherry and George Young MM3 1962-66

Guest Speaker LT Roy Hoffman 1950-54 Later RADM

John Kraft SN 1966-67, RADM, and Roy Hoffman 1950-54

George and Willy McClanahan FC2 1950-51 |

Robert and Dolores Fabianski GMM3 1950-51 |

Charles and Betty Watts BTG3 1950-52 |

Art Starring MM3 1950-56 Wife Blanche

Eugene Konkoski BT3 1957-58 Wife Doris

Kenneth (Jack) Cole HM1 1963-65 wife Sonja. Later made HMCS

Mary Beth Felice wife of Anthony Felice Jr. LT 1963-65, Brad Howe LTJG 1964-67 and wife Anne

Tour group base tour with the USS John F Kennedy in the background.
Many thanks to Al Eisenbraun for the images from the Jacksonville reunion!