Washington D. C.
2004 Reunion - Washington, DC
Jim Minard ET2 1966-68 with wife Debbie. Hosts of the 2004 Reunion.
Richard Williams Capt 1966-67 and wife Marian, in center is Mary Bush wife of C.O. Commander Philip Bush 1966-67
Fred Youngblood FTG2 1961-63 and wife Martha.
Eugene Konkoski BT3 1957-58 and wife Doris.
Don Lorimer FCS3 1950-51 and Cy Elliser CSG3 1950-51
Nam Vets
In attendance:
Steve Barney, Ed Blanchard, Gary Bowles, Bill Carter, Ed Cole, Mike Caruccio, John Duffy, Al Eisenbraun, Tony Felice, Chet Gaddy,
John Grimmke, Peter Guptill, Edward Hamilton, John Harvey, Jim Henderson, Brad Howe, Paul Jacobs, John Kraft, Ned Kuhns,
Don Livingston, Bob McConaughy, Ted McFerrin, Harvey McKelvey, Gerald Meyer, Russell Miller, Jim Minard, Mike Noonan,
Neil Oldridge, Dick Oliver, Mike Peters, Mike Popik, James Robbins, Calvin Robertson, Robert Shenk, Fred Smith, Richard Williams, Fred Smith, Richard Williams
Ed Blanchard LTJG 1964-67 Gerald Myers LT 1964-66
Edward Hamilton Capt, X.O. 1964-66 with wife Birdie, and Harvey McKelvey Capt. 1963-66
Gary Bowles RM2 1964-66 and wife Marianne
Gary Bowles RM2 1964-66 Chet Gaddy BM3 1964-66
Mike Peters GMG2 1960-66 and wife Kathy.
Russell Miller LTJG 1965-67 and wife Sherry
Jack Nordstrom LTJG 1951-52 with friend Joan.
Mary Bush wife of C.O. Commander Philip Bush 1966-67, with Al Eisenbraun SH3 1963-67
Al Eisenbraun and Donald Livingston GMG3 1962-66 at Vietnam Memorial